Air pollution makes it harder for insects to find food and mates
The impact of air pollution particles on insects is greater than previously thought and may be a driver of global declines in insect populations

The Potter Museum of Art (University of Melbourne) hosts annual multi-disciplinary forums, which in 2019 was titled “Language: Interdisciplinary public forum”, and my contribution was “Do Animals Have Language?”.

Basket spider silk
The basket web spider Saccodomus formivorus is a crab (Thomisidae) spider that builds a very unusual web.

Females prefer males that pay attention
Charles Darwin’s remarkable, yet neglected insight is supported by the discovery that male moths with larger antennae are better at detecting female signals

Actually, boys may not be boys
The evolutionary biology behind insect sex can tell us a lot about ourselves – but for both them and us, genes aren’t necessarily destiny

Successful sporting leadership attributes
The Olympics debunks the view that height determines leadership success

Reframing Darwin
The exhibition Reframing Darwin at the Ian Potter Museum of Art in Melbourne (2009) shows that Darwin’s legacy for science and art in Australia is substantial. (Image: Augustus Earle’s 1826 painting of Australia’s Blue Mountains — where Darwin walked a decade later. Credit: A. EARLE/NATIONAL LIBRARY OF AUSTRALIA)